PartialTriples for Partial Correctness

Set Implicit Arguments.
From SLF Require Export Nondet.
Close Scope val_scope.
Close Scope trm_scope.

Implicit Types f : var.
Implicit Types b : bool.
Implicit Types s : state.
Implicit Types t : trm.
Implicit Types v : val.
Implicit Types n : int.
Implicit Types p : loc.
Implicit Types h : heap.
Implicit Types P : Prop.
Implicit Types H : hprop.
Implicit Types Q : valhprop.

First Pass

In this chapter, we investigate definitions of Hoare triples and Separation Logic triples with respect to partial correctness, that is, without imposing termination.
Partial correctness is a weaker property than total correctness. However, it may be suited for reasoning about programs that are not meant to terminate, and may be interesting to consider as an intermediate target when reasoning about programs for which termination is much harder to establish than correctness.
This chapter is organized as follows:
  • Partial correctness with respect to big-step semantics.
  • Bonus contents: partial correctness with respect to small-step semantics.
This chapter, like the previous chapter Nondet, omits sequences and non-recursive functions, as these features can be encoded.

Big-Step Characterization of Partial Correctness

For total correctness, the judgment evals s t Q asserts that any execution of the program (s,t) terminates on an output satisfying Q. In contrast, the partial correctness judgment evalnp s t Q asserts that any execution of the program (s,t) either terminates on an output satisfying Q, or diverges (that is, executes forever).
The definition of the predicate evalnp is obtained by taking the constructors from the inductive definition of evaln, and considering the coinductive interpretation of these constructors. The coinductive interpretation allows for infinite derivation. It thereby introduces the possibility of diverging executions. Importantly, the predicate evalnp still disallows executions that get stuck.
CoInductive evalnp : state trm (valstateProp) Prop :=
  | evalnp_val : s v Q,
      Q v s
      evalnp s (trm_val v) Q
  | evalnp_fix : s f x t1 Q,
      Q (val_fix f x t1) s
      evalnp s (trm_fix f x t1) Q
  | evalnp_app_fix : s1 v1 v2 f x t1 Q,
      v1 = val_fix f x t1
      evalnp s1 (subst x v2 (subst f v1 t1)) Q
      evalnp s1 (trm_app v1 v2) Q
  | evalnp_let : Q1 s1 x t1 t2 Q,
      evalnp s1 t1 Q1
      ( v1 s2, Q1 v1 s2 evalnp s2 (subst x v1 t2) Q)
      evalnp s1 (trm_let x t1 t2) Q
  | evalnp_if : s1 b t1 t2 Q,
      evalnp s1 (if b then t1 else t2) Q
      evalnp s1 (trm_if (val_bool b) t1 t2) Q
  | evalnp_add : s n1 n2 Q,
      Q (val_int (n1 + n2)) s
      evalnp s (val_add (val_int n1) (val_int n2)) Q
  | evalnp_rand : s n Q,
      n > 0
      ( n1, 0 n1 < n Q n1 s)
      evalnp s (val_rand (val_int n)) Q
  | evalnp_ref : s v Q,
      ( p, ¬ Fmap.indom s p
         Q (val_loc p) (Fmap.update s p v))
      evalnp s (val_ref v) Q
  | evalnp_get : s p Q,
      Fmap.indom s p
      Q ( s p) s
      evalnp s (val_get (val_loc p)) Q
  | evalnp_set : s p v Q,
      Fmap.indom s p
      Q val_unit (Fmap.update s p v)
      evalnp s (val_set (val_loc p) v) Q
  | evalnp_free : s p Q,
      Fmap.indom s p
      Q val_unit (Fmap.remove s p)
      evalnp s (val_free (val_loc p)) Q.
The judgment hoarenp t H Q captures partial correctness, in terms of evalnp. It is defined through the usual pattern for Hoare triples.
Definition hoarenp (t:trm) (H:hprop) (Q:valhprop) : Prop :=
   s, H s evalnp s t Q.
One key property is the covariance of evalnp, which induces the rule of consequence for hoarenp. An interesting about the proof of covariance is that it is not carried out by induction, like evaln_conseq, but by coinduction. Observe carefully the details of that proof.
Lemma evalnp_conseq : s t Q1 Q2,
  evalnp s t Q1
  Q1 ===> Q2
  evalnp s t Q2.
Proof using.
  introv M W. unfolds qimpl, himpl.
  gen s t Q1 Q2. cofix IH. intros. inverts M; try solve [ constructors* ].

Exercise: 3 stars, standard, optional (evalnp_inv_eval)

Assume evalnp s t Q to hold. Prove that the postcondition Q holds of any output that (s,t) may evaluate to according to the judgment eval.
Lemma evalnp_inv_eval : s t v s' Q,
  evalnp s t Q
  eval s t s' v
  Q v s'.
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

From Total to Partial Correctness

Total correctness is a stronger property than partial correctness: hoaren t H Q entails hoarenp t H Q. To formalize this result, we first establish that evaln s t Q, which is defined inductively, entails evalnp s t Q, which is defined coinductively.
The proof is a straightforward induction, reflecting on the fact that a coinductive interpretation of a set of rules is always derivable from an inductive interpretation of a same set of derivation rules.
Lemma evalnp_of_evaln : s t Q,
  evaln s t Q
  evalnp s t Q.
Proof using. introv M. induction M; try solve [ constructors* ]. Qed.

Lemma hoaren_of_cohoare : t H Q,
  hoaren t H Q
  hoarenp t H Q.
Proof using.
  introv M. intros s K. specializes M K. applys evalnp_of_evaln M.

Characterization of Divergence

The judgment partial correctness judgment evalnp s t Q asserts that any execution of the program (s,t) either terminates on an output satisfying Q, or diverge. By instantiating Q as the predicate that is always false, we are thus able to assert that "every possible execution of the program (s,t) diverges".
Let us name Empty this "empty" postcondition, which characterizes an empty set of output configurations.
Definition Empty : valstateProp :=
  fun v sFalse.
The judgment divn s t, defined as evalnp s t Empty, asserts that every possible execution of the program (s,t) diverges.
Definition divn (s:state) (t:trm) : Prop :=
  evalnp s t Empty.

Big-Step-Based Reasoning Rules

For the partial correctness triple (hoarenp), we can derive all the usual reasoning rules. The proofs are the same as for the reasoning rules for deriving total correctness triples (hoaren).
Structural rules
Lemma hoarenp_conseq : t H' Q' H Q,
  hoarenp t H' Q'
  H ==> H'
  Q' ===> Q
  hoarenp t H Q.
Proof using.
  unfolds hoarenp. introv M MH MQ HF. applys* evalnp_conseq.

Lemma hoarenp_hexists : t (A:Type) (J:Ahprop) Q,
  ( x, hoarenp t (J x) Q)
  hoarenp t (hexists J) Q.
Proof using. introv M. intros h (x&Hh). applys M Hh. Qed.

Lemma hoarenp_hpure : t (P:Prop) H Q,
  (P hoarenp t H Q)
  hoarenp t (\[P] \* H) Q.
Proof using.
  introv M. intros h (h1&h2&M1&M2&D&U). destruct M1 as (M1&HP).
  lets E: hempty_inv HP. subst. rewrite Fmap.union_empty_l. applys¬M.
Rules for term constructs
Lemma hoarenp_val : v H Q,
  H ==> Q v
  hoarenp (trm_val v) H Q.
Proof using. introv M. intros h K. applys* evalnp_val. Qed.

Lemma hoarenp_fix : f x t1 H Q,
  H ==> Q (val_fix f x t1)
  hoarenp (trm_fix f x t1) H Q.
Proof using. introv M. intros h K. applys* evalnp_fix. Qed.

Lemma hoarenp_app_fix : v1 v2 f x t1 H Q,
  v1 = val_fix f x t1
  hoarenp (subst x v2 (subst f v1 t1)) H Q
  hoarenp (trm_app v1 v2) H Q.
Proof using. introv E M. intros h K. applys* evalnp_app_fix. Qed.

Lemma hoarenp_let : x t1 t2 H Q Q1,
  hoarenp t1 H Q1
  ( v1, hoarenp (subst x v1 t2) (Q1 v1) Q)
  hoarenp (trm_let x t1 t2) H Q.
Proof using. introv M1 M2. intros h K. applys* evalnp_let. Qed.

Lemma hoarenp_if : (b:bool) t1 t2 H Q,
  hoarenp (if b then t1 else t2) H Q
  hoarenp (trm_if b t1 t2) H Q.
Proof using. introv M. intros h K. applys* evalnp_if. Qed.
Rules for primitive operations
Lemma hoarenp_add : H n1 n2,
  hoarenp (val_add n1 n2)
    (fun r\[r = val_int (n1 + n2)] \* H).
Proof using.
  intros. intros h K. applys* evalnp_add. rewrite* hstar_hpure_l.

Lemma hoarenp_rand : n,
  n > 0
  hoarenp (val_rand n)
    (fun r\ n1, \[0 n1 < n] \* \[r = val_int n1]).
Proof using.
  introv N. intros h K. applys* evalnp_rand.
  lets ->: hempty_inv K.
  intros n1 H1. applys* hexists_intro n1. rewrite* hstar_hpure_l.
  split*. applys* hpure_intro.

Lemma hoarenp_ref : H v,
  hoarenp (val_ref v)
    (fun r(\ p, \[r = val_loc p] \* p ~~> v) \* H).
Proof using.
  intros. intros s1 K. applys evalnp_ref. intros p D.
  unfolds update. applys hstar_intro K.
  { applys hexists_intro p. rewrite hstar_hpure_l.
    split*. applys hsingle_intro. }
  { applys* disjoint_single_of_not_indom. }

Lemma hoarenp_get : H v p,
  hoarenp (val_get p)
    ((p ~~> v) \* H)
    (fun r\[r = v] \* (p ~~> v) \* H).
Proof using.
  intros. intros s K.
  lets (h1&h2&P1&P2&D&->): hstar_inv (rm K).
  lets E1: hsingle_inv P1. lets I1: indom_single p v.
  applys evalnp_get.
  { applys* Fmap.indom_union_l. subst. applys indom_single. }
  { rewrite hstar_hpure_l. split.
    { subst h1. rewrite* Fmap.read_union_l. rewrite* Fmap.read_single. }
    { applys* hstar_intro. } }

Lemma hoarenp_set : H w p v,
  hoarenp (val_set (val_loc p) v)
    ((p ~~> w) \* H)
    (fun r\[r = val_unit] \* (p ~~> v) \* H).
Proof using.
  intros. intros s1 K.
  lets (h1&h2&P1&P2&D&->): hstar_inv (rm K).
  lets E1: hsingle_inv P1. lets I1: indom_single p v.
  applys evalnp_set.
  { applys* Fmap.indom_union_l. subst. applys indom_single. }
  { rewrite hstar_hpure_l. split*.
    { subst h1. rewrite Fmap.update_union_l.
      2:{ applys indom_single. }
      rewrite update_single. applys hstar_intro.
      { applys hsingle_intro. }
      { applys P2. }
      { applys Fmap.disjoint_single_set D. } } }

Lemma hoarenp_free : H p v,
  hoarenp (val_free (val_loc p))
    ((p ~~> v) \* H)
    (fun r\[r = val_unit] \* H).
Proof using.
  intros. intros s1 K.
  lets (h1&h2&P1&P2&D&->): hstar_inv (rm K).
  lets E1: hsingle_inv P1. lets I1: indom_single p v.
  applys evalnp_free.
  { applys* Fmap.indom_union_l. subst. applys indom_single. }
  { rewrite hstar_hpure_l. split*.
    { subst h1. rewrite* Fmap.remove_union_single_l.
      { intros Dl. applys* Fmap.disjoint_inv_not_indom_both D Dl. } } }

Big-Step-Based Reasoning Rules for Divergence

In a partial correctness setting, it is also interesting to derive reasoning rules for establishing that a program diverges. These rules are stated and proved next.
Lemma divn_app_fix : s1 v1 v2 f x t1,
  v1 = val_fix f x t1
  divn s1 (subst x v2 (subst f v1 t1))
  divn s1 (trm_app v1 v2).
Proof using. introv E M. unfolds divn. applys* evalnp_app_fix. Qed.

Exercise: 2 stars, standard, especially useful (divn_let_ctx)

Prove the divergence rule for a let-binding covering the case where the first subterm diverges.
Lemma divn_let_ctx : s1 x t1 t2,
  divn s1 t1
  divn s1 (trm_let x t1 t2).
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Lemma divn_let : s1 x t1 t2 Q1,
  evalnp s1 t1 Q1
  ( s2 v1, divn s2 (subst x v1 t2))
  divn s1 (trm_let x t1 t2).
Proof using. introv M1 M2. unfolds divn. applys* evalnp_let M1. Qed.

Lemma divn_if : s1 b t1 t2,
  divn s1 (if b then t1 else t2)
  divn s1 (trm_if (val_bool b) t1 t2).
Proof using. introv M. unfolds divn. applys* evalnp_if. Qed.

Optional Material

Interpretation of evalnp w.r.t. eval and safe

The predicate safe s t asserts that an execution of the configuration t/s can never get stuck. Its definition is a simplified version of evalnp where all occurences of Q are removed. In the rule for let- bindings, namely safe_let, the quantification over the configuration v1/s2 is done by refering to the big-step judgment eval.
CoInductive safe : state trm Prop :=
  | safe_val : s v,
      safe s (trm_val v)
  | safe_fix : s f x t1,
      safe s (trm_fix f x t1)
  | safe_app_fix : s v1 v2 f x t1,
      v1 = val_fix f x t1
      safe s (subst x v2 (subst f v1 t1))
      safe s (trm_app v1 v2)
  | safe_let : s x t1 t2,
      safe s t1
      ( v1 s2, eval s t1 s2 v1 safe s2 (subst x v1 t2))
      safe s (trm_let x t1 t2)
  | safe_if : s b t1 t2,
      safe s (if b then t1 else t2)
      safe s (trm_if (val_bool b) t1 t2)
  | safe_add : s n1 n2,
      safe s (val_add (val_int n1) (val_int n2))
  | safe_rand : s n,
      n > 0
      safe s (val_rand (val_int n))
  | safe_ref : s v,
      safe s (val_ref v)
  | safe_get : s p,
      Fmap.indom s p
      safe s (val_get (val_loc p))
  | safe_set : s p v,
      Fmap.indom s p
      safe s (val_set (val_loc p) v)
  | safe_free : s p,
      Fmap.indom s p
      safe s (val_free (val_loc p)).

Section EvalnpSafe.
Hint Constructors eval evalnp.

Exercise: 5 stars, standard, especially useful (evalnp_iff_safe_and_post)

Prove that evalnp s t Q is equivalent to the conjunction of safe s t and to a partial correctness result asserting that if an evaluation of t/s terminates on a particular result, then this result satisfies Q. Hint: make sure to split the equivalence and the conjunction before entering the coinductive proofs.
Lemma evalnp_iff_safe_and_post : s t Q,
  evalnp s t Q (safe s t ( v s', eval s t s' v Q v s')).
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Let Any denotes the postcondition that accepts any result.
Definition Any : valstateProp :=
  fun v sTrue.

Hint Unfold Any.

Exercise: 2 stars, standard, especially useful (safe_iff_evalnp_any)

Prove that safe s t is equivalent to evalnp s t Any. Hint: a direct proof fails---why? The solution is to exploit evalnp_iff_safe_and_post.
Lemma safe_iff_evalnp_any : s t,
  safe s t evalnp s t Any.
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
End EvalnpSafe.

Small-Step Characterization of Partial Correctness

So far, this chapter has focused on handling partial correctness using a big-step semantics. In this bonus section, we investigate the treatment of partial correctness using a small-step semantics.
Before we get started, let us state and prove a basic lemma asserting that values cannot take a step. It will useful throughout the section.
Lemma exists_step_val_inv : s v,
  ( s' t', step s v s' t')
Proof using. introv (s'&t'&S). inverts S. Qed.
In the chapter Nondet, we presented a definition named evals_attempt_3 that defined a small-step characterization of partial correctness. Let us rename this definition to evalnps.
The judgment evalnps s t Q asserts that, for any configuration (s',t') that can be reached from (s',t'), either t' is a value that, together with s', satisfy the postcondition Q; or the configuration (s',t') can take a step, that is, it is not a stuck configuration.
Definition evalnps (s:state) (t:trm) (Q:valstateProp) : Prop :=
   s' t', evals s t s' t'
       ( v, t' = trm_val v Q v s')
     ( s'' t'', step s' t' s'' t'').
On top of evalnps, we define a partial correctness Hoare triple judgment hoarenps in the usual way.
Definition hoarenps (t:trm) (H:hprop) (Q:valhprop) : Prop :=
   s, H s evalnps s t Q.
The property evalnps s t Q may be viewed as a form of typing: the configuration (s,t) admits the "type" Q.
  • Base case: if t is a value, we assert that a configuration (s,v) has type Q iff Q v s holds.
  • Preservation property: if the configuration (s,t) has type Q and reduces to (s',t'), then the configuration (s',t') also admits the same type Q.
  • Progress property: if the configuration (s,t) has type Q, then either t is of the form trm_val v and (s,v) admits type Q, or the configuration (s,t) can take a reduction step to some configuration (s',t').
The progress property is, in essence, a partial correctness property. Indeed, it ensures that programs never get stuck, yet without imposing termination.
In what follows, we formally state and prove the three properties associated with the judgment evalnps s t Q: the characterization of the base case, the preservation property, and the progress property.
First, let's prove an introduction lemma and an inversion lemma for the base case, that is, the characteriation of values.
Lemma evalnps_val : s v Q,
  Q v s
  evalnps s v Q.
Proof using.
  introv M R. inverts R as.
  { left*. }
  { intros s1 t1 R1 R2. false. inverts R1. }

Lemma evalnps_val_inv : s v Q,
  evalnps s v Q
  Q v s.
Proof using.
  introv M. forwards N: M s v. { applys evals_refl. }
  destruct N as [(v1&E1&P1)|(s2&t2&R)].
  { inverts* E1. }
  { inverts R. }
Second, let's prove the preservation property.

Exercise: 3 stars, standard, especially useful (evalnps_inv_step)

Prove that the property evalnps for a given postcondition Q is preserved when a program takes a reduction step.
Lemma evalnps_inv_step : s1 t1 s2 t2 Q,
  evalnps s1 t1 Q
  step s1 t1 s2 t2
  evalnps s2 t2 Q.
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Third, let's prove the progress property.

Exercise: 4 stars, standard, especially useful (evalnps_not_val_inv)

Prove that if the property evalnps holds for a given postcondition Q, and for a configuration that has not already reached a value, then this configuration can take a step. Moreover, the configuration reached also satisfies the property evalnps for that same Q.
Lemma evalnps_not_val_inv : s1 t1 Q,
  evalnps s1 t1 Q
  ( v, t1 trm_val v)
   s2 t2, step s1 t1 s2 t2 evalnps s2 t2 Q.
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Reasoning Rules w.r.t. Small-Step Characterization

We present two proofs of reasoning rules established with respect to the judgment hoarenps. The first proof targets the rule of consequence. This result leverages the covariance property for evalnps.
Lemma evalnps_conseq : s t Q Q',
  evalnps s t Q'
  Q' ===> Q
  evalnps s t Q.
Proof using.
  introv M WQ. introv R. lets [(v&E&P)|N]: M R.
  { left. v. split¬. applys* WQ. }
  { right*. }

Lemma hoarenps_conseq : t H' Q' H Q,
  hoarenps t H' Q'
  H ==> H'
  Q' ===> Q
  hoarenps t H Q.
Proof using.
  introv M WH WQ. intros h K. applys evalnps_conseq WQ.
  applys M. applys WH K.
The second proof targets the reasoning rule for let-bindings, stated for the judgment hoarenps. This result leverages as key intermediate lemma an introduction rule for let-bindings with respect to evalnps.

Exercise: 5 stars, standard, especially useful (evalnps_let)

Prove the reasoning rule for let-bindings for evalnps. Hint: in the proof, you can use tests C: ( v1, t1 = trm_val v1) to make a case analysis on whether t1 is a value or not.
Lemma evalnps_let : s x t1 t2 Q1 Q,
  evalnps s t1 Q1
  ( s1 v1, Q1 v1 s1 evalnps s1 (subst x v1 t2) Q)
  evalnps s (trm_let x t1 t2) Q.
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Lemma hoarenps_let : x t1 t2 H Q Q1,
  hoarenps t1 H Q1
  ( v1, hoarenps (subst x v1 t2) (Q1 v1) Q)
  hoarenps (trm_let x t1 t2) H Q.
Proof using.
  introv M1 M2. intros h K. applys* evalnps_let.
  { introv K'. applys* M2. }

Small-Step Characterization of Divergence

Recall the definition of evalnps.

    Definition evalnps (s:state) (t:trm) (Q:valstateProp) : Prop :=
       s' t', evals s t s' t'
           ( v, t' = trm_val vQ v s')
        ∨ ( s'' t'', step s' t' s'' t'').
The judgment evalnps s t Q can be specialized with the empty post- condition Q := Empty to express divergence, just like we did earlier on for setting up the definition of divn.
Recall that Empty v s is equivalent to False. Thus, let's take the definition of evalnps s t Q and replace Q v s' with False. The first clause of the disjunction, v, t' = trm_val v Q v s' is never satisfiable and thus may be removed. What remains is a simpler, direct characterization of the property that "all executions diverge".
The corresponding predicate, named divns s t below, asserts that any execution prefix can be extended by at least one step.
Definition divns (s:state) (t:trm) : Prop :=
   s' t', evals s t s' t'
   s'' t'', step s' t' s'' t''.

Exercise: 3 stars, standard, optional (divns_iff_evalnps_Empty)

Prove the equivalence between divns and the specialization of evalnps to Empty.
Lemma divns_iff_evalnps_Empty : s t,
  divns s t evalnps s t Empty.
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
The three exercises that follow can be proved trivially by exploiting the equivalence divns_iff_evalnps_Empty then exploiting the already established properties of evalnps. However, it is interesting to know how to carry out proofs directly with respect to the definition divns.

Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (divns_inv_step)

Prove that if a diverging configuration takes a step, then it reaches a configuration that also diverges.
Lemma divns_inv_step : s1 t1 s2 t2,
  divns s1 t1
  step s1 t1 s2 t2
  divns s2 t2.
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (divns_val_inv)

Prove that the execution of a value does not diverge.
Lemma divns_val_inv : s v,
  ¬ divns s v.
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Exercise: 5 stars, standard, optional (divns_let_ctx)

Prove the divergence rule for a let-binding covering the case where the first subterm diverges, with respect to the definition divns.
Lemma divns_let_ctx : s1 x t1 t2,
  divns s1 t1
  divns s1 (trm_let x t1 t2).
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Coinductive, Small-Step Characterization of Partial Correctness

In the previous section, we characterized partial correctness using the judgment evalnps, which is defined in terms of the transitive closure of the small-step relation evals. In this section, we present an alternative definition, based on a coinductive definition.
Concretely, we start from the inductively defined judgment evalns, which characterizes total correctness, and we consider the coinductive intrepretation of the same rules. The resulting judgment is written evalnpz s t Q. This coinductive definition, because it allows for infinite derivations, covers the case of diverging computations that take involve infinitely many reduction steps.
CoInductive evalnpz : statetrm->(valhprop)->Prop :=
  | evalnpz_val : s v Q,
      Q v s
      evalnpz s v Q
  | evalnpz_step : s t Q,
      ( s' t', step s t s' t')
      ( s' t', step s t s' t' evalnpz s' t' Q)
      evalnpz s t Q.
We name hoarenpz the associated Hoare triple definition.
Definition hoarenpz (t:trm) (H:hprop) (Q:valhprop) : Prop :=
   s, H s evalnpz s t Q.
Here again, we focus on the proofs of two particular reasoning rules, established with respect to evalnpz.
Firstly, let's prove the rule of consequence. The key intermediate result is to establish the covariance of evalnpz. Observe that this proof is to be conducted by coinduction.
Lemma evalnpz_conseq : s t Q Q',
  evalnpz s t Q'
  Q' ===> Q
  evalnpz s t Q.
Proof using.
  introv M WQ. gen s t Q'. cofix IH; intros. destruct M.
  { applys evalnpz_val. applys* WQ. }
  { applys evalnpz_step.
    { eauto. }
    { introv R'. lets M': H0 R'. applys IH M' WQ. } }

Lemma hoarenpz_conseq : t H' Q' H Q,
  hoarenpz t H' Q'
  H ==> H'
  Q' ===> Q
  hoarenpz t H Q.
Proof using.
  introv M WH WQ. intros h K. applys evalnpz_conseq WQ.
  applys M. applys WH K.
Secondly, we let's prove the reasoning rule for let-bindings. Here again, the key intermediate result is to establish a rule for evalnpz.

Exercise: 5 stars, standard, especially useful (hoarenpz_let)

Prove the reasoning rule for let-bindings stated for evalnpz. Hint: to set up the coinductive proof, follow the template that appears at the beginning of the proof of evalnpz_conseq.
Lemma evalnpz_let : s x t1 t2 Q1 Q,
  evalnpz s t1 Q1
  ( s1 v1, Q1 v1 s1 evalnpz s1 (subst x v1 t2) Q)
  evalnpz s (trm_let x t1 t2) Q.
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Lemma hoarenpz_let : x t1 t2 H Q Q1,
  hoarenpz t1 H Q1
  ( v1, hoarenpz (subst x v1 t2) (Q1 v1) Q)
  hoarenpz (trm_let x t1 t2) H Q.
Proof using.
  introv M1 M2. intros h K. applys* evalnpz_let.
  { introv K'. applys* M2. }
To express diverge, the judgment evalnp s t Q may be specialized with the postcondition Q := Empty. Starting from the definition of evalnpz, replacing Q v s with False is equivalent to removing the constructor evalnpz_val altogether. Thus, divergence of a configuration (s,t) may be characterized directly by the coinductive judgment divnz s t defined below, featuring a single constructor.
CoInductive divnz : state trm Prop :=
  | divnz_step : s1 t1,
      ( s2 t2, step s1 t1 s2 t2)
      ( s2 t2, step s1 t1 s2 t2 divnz s2 t2)
      divnz s1 t1.

Exercise: 4 stars, standard, optional (divnz_iff_evalnpz_Empty)

Prove the equivalence between divnz and the specialization of the judgment evalnp to Empty.
Lemma divnz_iff_evalnpz_Empty : s t,
  divnz s t evalnpz s t Empty.
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Equivalence Between the Two Small-Step Charact. of Partial Correctness

This section establishes that hoarenpz is equivalent to hoarenps. The key result is to prove evalnpz equivalent to evalnps.
Lemma evalnpz_eq_evalnps :
  evalnpz = evalnps.
Proof using.
  extens. intros s t Q. iff M.
  { introv R. gen M. induction R; intros.
    { inverts M as M1 M2.
      { left*. }
      { right. applys M1. } }
    { rename H into R1, R into R2. inverts M as M1 M2.
      { false. inverts R1. }
      { applys IHR. applys M2 R1. } } }
  { gen s t Q. cofix IH. intros.
    tests C: ( v, t = trm_val v).
    { destruct C as (v&->). applys evalnpz_val. applys evalnps_val_inv M. }
    { lets (s2&t2&R2&RS): evalnps_not_val_inv M C. applys evalnpz_step.
      { * s2 t2. }
      { intros s' t' R'. applys IH. applys evalnps_inv_step M R'. } } }

Lemma hoarenpz_eq_hoarenps :
  hoarenpz = hoarenps.
Proof using. unfold hoarenps, hoarenpz. rewrite* evalnpz_eq_evalnps. Qed.
As a corollary, we can establish the equivalence between the two small-step characterization of divergence. Indeed, both characterizations are obtained by specializing the postcondition of their underlying evaluation jugment to the empty postcondition, namely Empty.
Lemma divnz_eq_divns :
  divnz = divns.
Proof using.
  extens. intros s t.
  rewrite divns_iff_evalnps_Empty.
  rewrite divnz_iff_evalnpz_Empty.
  rewrite* evalnpz_eq_evalnps.

Equivalence Between Small-Step and Big-Step Partial Correctness Semantics

We end this chapter with the proof of equivalence between hoarenps and hoarenp, establishing a formal relationship between partial correctness triples defined with respect to a small-step semantics and those defined with respect to a big-step semantics.
The first step of the proof is to formally relate evalnpz and evalnp, which are both defined coinductively. Then, we can derive the equality between hoarenpz and hoarenp, and conclude using the equality hoarenpz_eq_hoarenps, which was established earlier on.
The first direction is from evalnpz to evalnp. To establish it, we need 3 inversion lemmas for let-bindings.
Lemma evalnpz_let_inv_ctx : x s1 t1 t2 Q Q1,
  evalnpz s1 (trm_let x t1 t2) Q
  (fun v sevals s1 t1 s v) ===> Q1
  evalnpz s1 t1 Q1.
Proof using.
  cofix IH. introv M WQ. inverts M as M0 M'.
  tests C: ( v1, t1 = trm_val v1).
  { destruct C as (v1&->). applys evalnpz_val.
    applys WQ. applys evals_refl. }
  { applys evalnpz_step.
    { destruct M0 as (s'&t'&S). inverts S as. 2:{ false* C. }
      intros S. . applys S. }
    { intros s2 t1' S. applys IH.
      { applys M'. applys step_let_ctx S. }
      { intros v s R. applys WQ. applys evals_step S R. } } }

Lemma evalnpz_let_inv_cont : s1 s2 v1 x t1 t2 Q,
  evalnpz s1 (trm_let x t1 t2) Q
  evals s1 t1 s2 v1
  evalnpz s2 (subst x v1 t2) Q.
Proof using.
  introv M R. gen_eq t1': (trm_val v1). induction R; intros; subst.
  { inverts M as _ M'. applys M'. applys step_let. }
  { rename H into S, R into R', t0 into t1'.
    inverts M as _ M'. applys* IHR. applys M'.
    applys step_let_ctx S. }

Lemma evalnpz_let_inv : s1 x t1 t2 Q,
  evalnpz s1 (trm_let x t1 t2) Q
   Q1, evalnpz s1 t1 Q1
           ( v1 s2, Q1 v1 s2 evalnpz s2 (subst x v1 t2) Q).
Proof using.
  introv M. (fun v sevals s1 t1 s (trm_val v)). split.
  { applys* evalnpz_let_inv_ctx M. }
  { introv K. applys* evalnpz_let_inv_cont M K. }
Using these inversion lemmas, we can prove by induction the first direction, from evalnpz to evalnp.
Lemma evalnp_of_evalnpz : s t Q,
  evalnpz s t Q
  evalnp s t Q.
Proof using.
  cofix IH. introv M. destruct t; try solve [ inverts M; false_invert ].
  { inverts M as.
    { intros R. applys evalnp_val R. }
    { intros (s'&t'&S) _. inverts S. } }
  { inverts M as.
    { intros (s'&t'&S) _. inverts S. } }
  { inverts M as (s'&t'&S) M'. inverts S. } (* not included in semantics *)
  { rename v into f, v0 into x, t into t1.
    inverts M as (s'&t'&S) M1. inverts S.
    applys evalnp_fix.
    forwards M1': M1. { applys step_fix. }
    inverts M1' as. { auto. } { intros. false* exists_step_val_inv. } }
  { inverts M as (s'&t'&S) M1. inverts S as.
    { applys evalnp_app_fix. { reflexivity. } applys IH.
      applys M1. applys* step_app_fix. }
    { applys evalnp_add.
      forwards M1': M1. { applys step_add. }
      inverts M1' as. { auto. } { intros. false* exists_step_val_inv. } }
    { introv N. applys* evalnp_rand. { math. }
      intros n1' N1.
      forwards M1': M1. { applys* step_rand n1'. }
      inverts M1' as. { auto. } { intros. false* exists_step_val_inv. } }
    { introv D. applys* evalnp_ref. intros p' D'.
      forwards M1': M1. { applys* step_ref p'. }
      inverts M1' as. { auto. } { intros. false* exists_step_val_inv. } }
    { introv D. applys* evalnp_get.
      forwards M1': M1. { applys* step_get. }
      inverts M1' as. { auto. } { intros. false* exists_step_val_inv. } }
    { introv D. applys* evalnp_set.
      forwards M1': M1. { applys* step_set. }
      inverts M1' as. { auto. } { intros. false* exists_step_val_inv. } }
    { introv D. applys* evalnp_free.
      forwards M1': M1. { applys* step_free. }
      inverts M1' as. { auto. } { intros. false* exists_step_val_inv. } } }
  { inverts M as (s'&t'&S) M'. inverts S. } (* not included in semantics *)
  { lets (Q1&M1&M2): evalnpz_let_inv M. applys evalnp_let.
    { applys IH. applys M1. }
    { introv R. applys IH. applys M2 R. } }
  { inverts M as (s'&t'&S) M1. inverts S. applys evalnp_if.
    applys IH. applys M1. applys step_if. }
For the reciprocal direction, we also need one key inversion lemma. It is stated below. Its hypothesis is evalnp s t Q, and its conclusion corresponds to the disjunction of the constructors of the inductive definition of evalnpz s t Q.
Lemma evalnp_inv_step : s t Q,
  evalnp s t Q
     ( v, t = trm_val v Q v s)
   (( s' t', step s t s' t' evalnp s' t' Q)
       ( s' t', step s t s' t' evalnp s' t' Q)).
Proof using.
  introv M. gen s Q. induction t; intros; inverts M as.
  { introv R. left. eauto. }
  { introv R. right. split.
    { . split. { applys step_fix. } { applys* evalnp_val. } }
    { intros s' t' S. inverts S. applys* evalnp_val. } }
  { introv M1. right. split.
    { . split. { applys* step_app_fix. } { auto. } }
    { intros s' t' S. inverts S as E. inverts E. auto. } }
  { introv R. right. split.
    { . split. { applys step_add. } { applys* evalnp_val. } }
    { intros s' t' S. inverts S. applys* evalnp_val. } }
  { introv N R. right. split.
    { . split. { applys* step_rand 0. math. }
       { applys* evalnp_val. applys R. math. } }
    { intros s' t' S. inverts S; tryfalse. applys* evalnp_val. } }
  { introv R. right. split.
    { forwards¬(p&D&N): (exists_fresh null s).
      . split. { applys* step_ref. } { applys* evalnp_val. } }
    { intros s' t' S. inverts S; tryfalse. applys* evalnp_val. } }
  { introv D R. right. split.
    { . split. { applys* step_get. } { applys* evalnp_val. } }
    { intros s' t' S. inverts S; tryfalse. applys* evalnp_val. } }
  { introv D R. right. split.
    { . split. { applys* step_set. } { applys* evalnp_val. } }
    { intros s' t' S. inverts S; tryfalse. applys* evalnp_val. } }
  { introv D R. right. split.
    { . split. { applys* step_free. } { applys* evalnp_val. } }
    { intros s' t' S. inverts S; tryfalse. applys* evalnp_val. } }
  { introv M1 M2. rename v into x. right. split.
    { forwards [(v1&->&HQ1)|((s'&t'&S'&M')&_)]: IHt1 M1.
      { . split. { applys step_let. } { applys* M2. } }
      { . split.
        { applys step_let_ctx S'. }
        { applys evalnp_let M'. applys M2. } } }
    { intros s' t' S. inverts S as S.
      { forwards [(v1&->&HQ1)|(_&M3)]: IHt1 M1.
        { inverts S. }
        { specializes M3 S. applys evalnp_let M3 M2. } }
      { inverts M1 as R. applys* M2. } } }
  { introv M1. right. split.
    { . split. { applys step_if. } { auto. } }
    { intros s' t' S. inverts S. auto. } }
Using this inversion lemma, it is straightforward to derive the implication from evalnp to evalnpz.
Lemma evalnpz_of_coeval : s t Q,
  evalnp s t Q
  evalnpz s t Q.
  cofix IH. introv M. lets C: evalnp_inv_step M.
  destruct C as [(v&->&HQ)|((s'&t'&S&M1)&M2)].
  { applys evalnpz_val HQ. }
  { applys evalnpz_step.
    { . applys S. }
    { intros s1 t1 S'. applys IH. applys M2 S'. } }
Combining the two directions yields the equality between evalnpz and evalnp, and that between evalnps and evalnp.
Lemma evalnpz_eq_evalnp :
   evalnpz = evalnp.
Proof using.
  extens. intros s t Q. iff M.
  { applys* evalnp_of_evalnpz. }
  { applys* evalnpz_of_coeval. }

Lemma hoarenpcso_eq_hoarenp :
  hoarenpz = hoarenp.
Proof using. unfold hoarenp, hoarenpz. rewrite* evalnpz_eq_evalnp. Qed.

Lemma hoarenps_eq_hoarenp :
   hoarenps = hoarenp.
Proof using.
  rewrite <- hoarenpz_eq_hoarenps. rewrite* hoarenpcso_eq_hoarenp.
As another corollary, we can establish the equivalence between the big-step and the small-step characterization of divergence. Indeed, both are obtained by specializing the postcondition to Empty.
Lemma divns_eq_divn :
  divns = divn.
Proof using.
  extens. intros s t. unfold divn.
  rewrite divns_iff_evalnps_Empty.
  rewrite <- evalnpz_eq_evalnp.
  rewrite* evalnpz_eq_evalnps.

Historical Notes

Many program verification tools target partial correctness only, or provide separate tooling for justifying termination.
The soundness of program logics delivering partial correctness is nearly always justified with respect to a small-step semantics of the programming language. Partial correctness is generally chosen because it appears better suited for reasoning about programs that involve some amount of concurrency, and for programs that are not meant to terminate (e.g., system kernels).
Capturing partial correctness using a coinductive big-step judgment, as done in this chapter with the predicate evalnp, appears to be novel as of Jan. 2021.
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