AltAutoA Streamlined Treatment of Automation

It's time to shorten our proofs through automation features:
  • Tacticals
  • Tactics that obviate hardcoded names
  • Automatic solvers
  • Proof search with auto
  • Ltac
Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing,-deprecated-hint-without-locality".
From Coq Require Import Arith List.
From LF Require Import IndProp.

Here's a function that rewrites regular expressions into potentially simpler forms without changing their matching behavior.
Fixpoint re_opt_e {T:Type} (re: reg_exp T) : reg_exp T :=
  match re with
  | App EmptyStr re2re_opt_e re2
  | App re1 re2App (re_opt_e re1) (re_opt_e re2)
  | Union re1 re2Union (re_opt_e re1) (re_opt_e re2)
  | Star reStar (re_opt_e re)
  | _re
We would like to show the equivalence of re's with their "optimized" form. One direction of this equivalence looks like this (the other is similar).
Lemma re_opt_e_match : T (re: reg_exp T) s,
  s =~ res =~ re_opt_e re.
  intros T re s M.
  induction M
    as [| x'
        | s1 re1 s2 re2 Hmatch1 IH1 Hmatch2 IH2
        | s1 re1 re2 Hmatch IH | re1 s2 re2 Hmatch IH
        | re | s1 s2 re Hmatch1 IH1 Hmatch2 IH2].
  - (* MEmpty *) simpl. apply MEmpty.
  - (* MChar *) simpl. apply MChar.
  - (* MApp *) simpl.
    destruct re1.
    + apply MApp.
      × apply IH1.
      × apply IH2.
    + inversion Hmatch1. simpl. apply IH2.
    + apply MApp.
      × apply IH1.
      × apply IH2.
    + apply MApp.
      × apply IH1.
      × apply IH2.
    + apply MApp.
      × apply IH1.
      × apply IH2.
    + apply MApp.
      × apply IH1.
      × apply IH2.
  - (* MUnionL *) simpl. apply MUnionL. apply IH.
  - (* MUnionR *) simpl. apply MUnionR. apply IH.
  - (* MStar0 *) simpl. apply MStar0.
  - (* MStarApp *) simpl. apply MStarApp.
    × apply IH1.
    × apply IH2.
That last proof was getting a little repetitive. Time to learn a few more Coq tricks...


Tacticals are tactics that take other tactics as arguments -- "higher-order tactics," if you will.

The try Tactical

If T is a tactic, then try T is a tactic that is just like T except that, if T fails, try T successfully does nothing at all instead of failing.
Theorem silly1 : n, 1 + n = S n.
Proof. try reflexivity. (* this just does reflexivity *) Qed.

Theorem silly2 : (P : Prop), PP.
  intros P HP.
  Fail reflexivity.
  try reflexivity. (* proof state is unchanged *)
  apply HP.

The Sequence Tactical ; (Simple Form)

In its most common form, the sequence tactical, written with semicolon ;, takes two tactics as arguments. The compound tactic T; T' first performs T and then performs T' on each subgoal generated by T.
For example:
Lemma simple_semi : n, (n + 1 =? 0) = false.
  intros n.
  destruct n eqn:E.
    (* Leaves two subgoals, which are discharged identically...  *)
    - (* n=0 *) simpl. reflexivity.
    - (* n=Sn' *) simpl. reflexivity.

We can simplify this proof using the ; tactical:
Lemma simple_semi' : n, (n + 1 =? 0) = false.
  intros n.
  (* destruct the current goal *)
  destruct n;
  (* then simpl each resulting subgoal *)
  (* and do reflexivity on each resulting subgoal *)

Or even more tersely, destruct can do the intro, and simpl can be omitted:
Lemma simple_semi'' : n, (n + 1 =? 0) = false.
  destruct n; reflexivity.

Using try and ; together, we can improve the proof about regular expression optimization.
Lemma re_opt_e_match' : T (re: reg_exp T) s,
  s =~ res =~ re_opt_e re.
  intros T re s M.
  induction M
    as [| x'
        | s1 re1 s2 re2 Hmatch1 IH1 Hmatch2 IH2
        | s1 re1 re2 Hmatch IH | re1 s2 re2 Hmatch IH
        | re | s1 s2 re Hmatch1 IH1 Hmatch2 IH2];
    (* Do the simpl for every case here: *)
  - (* MEmpty *) apply MEmpty.
  - (* MChar *) apply MChar.
  - (* MApp *)
    destruct re1;
    (* Most cases follow by the same formula.  Notice that apply MApp gives two subgoals: try apply IH1 is run on _both_ of
       them and succeeds on the first but not the second; apply IH2
       is then run on this remaining goal. *)

    try (apply MApp; try apply IH1; apply IH2).
    (* The interesting case, on which try... does nothing, is when
       re1 = EmptyStr. In this case, we have to appeal to the fact
       that re1 matches only the empty string: *)

    inversion Hmatch1. simpl. apply IH2.
  - (* MUnionL *) apply MUnionL. apply IH.
  - (* MUnionR *) apply MUnionR. apply IH.
  - (* MStar0 *) apply MStar0.
  - (* MStarApp *) apply MStarApp. apply IH1. apply IH2.

The repeat Tactical

repeat repeats until failure or non-progress.
Theorem In10 : In 10 [1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10].
  repeat (try (left; reflexivity); right).

Tactics that Make Mentioning Names Unnecessary

Hardcoding of hypothesis names isn't great.
Theorem hyp_name : (P : Prop), PP.
  intros P HP. apply HP.

The assumption tactic

Nameless is better.
Theorem no_hyp_name : (P : Prop), PP.
  intros. assumption.
There's a tradeoff between ease of reading and ease of writing/maintaining. Eliminating hardcoded names can help with both.

The contradiction tactic

The contradiction tactic handles some ad hoc situations where a hypothesis contains False, or two hypotheses derive False.
Theorem false_assumed : False → 0 = 1.
  intros H. destruct H.

Theorem false_assumed' : False → 0 = 1.
  intros. contradiction.

Theorem contras : (P : Prop), P → ¬P → 0 = 1.
  intros P HP HNP. exfalso. apply HNP. apply HP.

Theorem contras' : (P : Prop), P → ¬P → 0 = 1.
  intros. contradiction.

The subst tactic

The subst tactic substitutes away an identifier, replacing it everywhere and eliminating it from the context. That helps us to avoid naming hypotheses in rewrites.
Theorem many_eq : (n m o p : nat),
  n = m
  o = p
  [n; o] = [m; p].
  intros n m o p Hnm Hop. rewrite Hnm. rewrite Hop. reflexivity.

Theorem many_eq' : (n m o p : nat),
  n = m
  o = p
  [n; o] = [m; p].
  intros. subst. reflexivity.

The constructor tactic

The constructor tactic searches for an applicable constructor.
Example constructor_example: (n:nat),
    ev (n + n).
  induction n; simpl.
  - constructor. (* applies ev_0 *)
  - rewrite add_comm. simpl. constructor. (* applies ev_SS *)

Automatic Solvers

Coq has several special-purpose tactics that can solve certain kinds of goals in a completely automated way. These tactics are based on sophisticated algorithms developed for verification in specific mathematical or logical domains.
Some automatic solvers are decision procedures, which are algorithms that always terminate, and always give a correct answer. Here, that means that they always find a correct proof, or correctly determine that the goal is invalid. Other automatic solvers are incomplete: they might fail to find a proof of a valid goal.

Linear Integer Arithmetic: The lia Tactic

lia is a decision procedure for integer linear arithmetic.
From Coq Require Import Lia.

Theorem lia_succeed1 : (n : nat),
  n > 0 → n × 2 > n.
Proof. lia. Qed.

Theorem lia_succeed2 : (n m : nat),
    n × m = m × n.
  lia. (* solvable though non-linear *)

Theorem lia_fail1 : 0 = 1.
  Fail lia. (* goal is invalid *)

Theorem lia_fail2 : (n : nat),
    n ≥ 1 → 2 ^ n = 2 × 2 ^ (n - 1).
  Fail lia. (*goal is non-linear, valid, but unsolvable by lia *)

Equalities: The congruence Tactic

We don't need to know what a function does to prove some equalities.
Theorem eq_example1 :
   (A B C : Type) (f : AB) (g : BC) (x : A) (y : B),
    y = f xg y = g (f x).
  intros. rewrite H. reflexivity.
The essential properties of equality are that it is:
  • reflexive
  • symmetric
  • transitive
  • a congruence: it respects function and predicate application.

The congruence tactic is a decision procedure for equality with uninterpreted functions and other symbols.
Theorem eq_example1' :
   (A B C : Type) (f : AB) (g : BC) (x : A) (y : B),
    y = f xg y = g (f x).

Theorem eq_example2 : (n m o p : nat),
    n = m
    o = p
    (n, o) = (m, p).

Theorem eq_example3 : (X : Type) (h : X) (t : list X),
    [] ≠ h :: t.

Propositions: The intuition Tactic

intuition implements a decision procedure for propositional logic, and simplifies what it cannot prove.
Theorem intuition_succeed1 : (P : Prop),
Proof. intuition. Qed.

Theorem intuition_succeed2 : (P Q : Prop),
    ¬(PQ) → ¬P ∧ ¬Q.
Proof. intuition. Qed.

Theorem intuition_simplify1 : (P : Prop),
  intuition. (* not a constructively valid formula *)

Theorem intuition_simplify2 : (x y : nat) (P Q : natProp),
  x = y ∧ (P xQ x) ∧ P xQ y.
  Fail congruence. (* the propositions stump it *)
  intuition. (* the = stumps it, but it simplifies the propositions *)
intuition takes an optional argument.
Theorem intuition_simplify2' : (x y : nat) (P Q : natProp),
  x = y ∧ (P xQ x) ∧ P xQ y.
  intuition congruence.

Search Tactics

The automated solvers we just discussed are capable of finding proofs in specific domains. Some of them might pay attention to local hypotheses, but overall they don't make use of any custom lemmas we've proved, or that are provided by libraries that we load.
Another kind of automation that Coq provides does just that: the auto tactic and its variants search for proofs that can be assembled out of hypotheses and lemmas.

The auto Tactic

Until this chapter, our proof scripts mostly applied relevant hypotheses or lemmas by name, and one at a time.
Example auto_example_1 : (P Q R: Prop),
  (PQ) → (QR) → PR.
  intros P Q R H1 H2 H3.
  apply H2. apply H1. apply H3.
The auto tactic frees us from this drudgery by searching for a sequence of applications that will prove the goal:
Example auto_example_1' : (P Q R: Prop),
  (PQ) → (QR) → PR.

The auto tactic solves goals that are solvable by any combination of
  • intros and
  • apply (of hypotheses from the local context, by default).
Here is a more interesting example showing auto's power:
Example auto_example_2 : P Q R S T U : Prop,
  (PQ) →
  (PR) →
  (TR) →
  (STU) →
  ((PQ) → (PS)) →
Proof. auto. Qed.

Proof search could, in principle, take an arbitrarily long time, so there are limits to how far auto will search by default.
Example auto_example_3 : (P Q R S T U: Prop),
  (PQ) →
  (QR) →
  (RS) →
  (ST) →
  (TU) →
  (* When it cannot solve the goal, auto does nothing *)
  (* Optional argument says how deep to search (default is 5) *)
  auto 6.

The auto tactic considers the hypotheses in the current context together with a hint database of other lemmas and constructors. Some common facts about equality and logical operators are installed in the hint database by default.
Example auto_example_4 : P Q R : Prop,
  (QR) →
  P ∨ (QR).
Proof. auto. Qed.
If we want to see which facts auto is using, we can use info_auto instead.
Example auto_example_5 : 2 = 2.
  (* auto subsumes reflexivity because eq_refl is in the hint
     database. *)


We can extend the hint database with theorem t just for the purposes of one application of auto by writing auto using t.
Lemma le_antisym : n m: nat, (nmmn) → n = m.
Proof. intros. lia. Qed.

Example auto_example_6 : n m p : nat,
  (np → (nmmn)) →
  n = m.
  auto using le_antisym.

We can also extend hint databases for future uses:
  • Hint Resolve T : db.
    Add theorem or constructor T to db.
  • Hint Constructors c : db.
    Add all constructors of c to db.
  • Hint Unfold d : db.
    Automatically expand defined symbol d when using db.

Create HintDb le_db.
Hint Resolve le_antisym : le_db.

Example auto_example_6' : n m p : nat,
  (np → (nmmn)) →
  n = m.
  auto with le_db.

The eauto variant

Consider this example:
Example trans_example1: a b c d,
    ab + b × c
    (1 + c) × bd
  intros a b c d H1 H2.
  apply le_trans with (b + b × c).
    (* ^ We must supply the intermediate value *)
  - apply H1.
  - simpl in H2. rewrite mul_comm. apply H2.
apply fails if we leave out the with, even though the appropriate value for n will become obvious in the very next step.

With eapply, we can eliminate this silliness:
Example trans_example1': a b c d,
    ab + b × c
    (1 + c) × bd
  intros a b c d H1 H2.
  eapply le_trans. (* 1 *)
  - apply H1. (* 2 *)
  - simpl in H2. rewrite mul_comm. apply H2.

Again, using eauto.
Example trans_example2: a b c d,
    ab + b × c
    b + b × cd
  intros a b c d H1 H2.
  info_eauto using le_trans.
eauto is significantly slower than auto. Use only as needed.

Ltac: The Tactic Language

New tactics can be defined in two ways:
  • OCaml: low-level implementation (for wizards)
  • Ltac: in-Coq language (for everyone)

Ltac Functions

Here is a simple Ltac example:
Ltac simpl_and_try tac := simpl; try tac.

Example sat_ex1 : 1 + 1 = 2.
Proof. simpl_and_try reflexivity. Qed.

Example sat_ex2 : (n : nat), 1 - 1 + n + 1 = 1 + n.
Proof. simpl_and_try reflexivity. lia. Qed.

For a more useful tactic, consider these three proofs from Basics, and how structurally similar they all are:
Theorem plus_1_neq_0 : n : nat,
  (n + 1) =? 0 = false.
  intros n. destruct n.
  - reflexivity.
  - reflexivity.

Theorem negb_involutive : b : bool,
  negb (negb b) = b.
  intros b. destruct b.
  - reflexivity.
  - reflexivity.

Theorem andb_commutative : b c, andb b c = andb c b.
  intros b c. destruct b.
  - destruct c.
    + reflexivity.
    + reflexivity.
  - destruct c.
    + reflexivity.
    + reflexivity.

We can factor out the common structure:
  • Do a destruct.
  • For each branch, finish with reflexivity -- if possible.
Ltac destructpf x :=
  destruct x; try reflexivity.

Theorem plus_1_neq_0' : n : nat,
    (n + 1) =? 0 = false.
Proof. intros n; destructpf n. Qed.

Theorem negb_involutive' : b : bool,
  negb (negb b) = b.
Proof. intros b; destructpf b. Qed.

Theorem andb_commutative' : b c, andb b c = andb c b.
  intros b c; destructpf b; destructpf c.

Ltac Pattern Matching

Here is another common proof pattern that we have seen in many simple proofs by induction:
Theorem app_nil_r : (X : Type) (lst : list X),
    lst ++ [] = lst.
  intros X lst. induction lst as [ | h t IHt].
  - reflexivity.
  - simpl. rewrite IHt. reflexivity.
How can we automate that pattern? Ltac has a match goal tactic.

Theorem match_ex1 : True.
  match goal with
  | [ ⊢ True ] ⇒ apply I
That says: if the conclusion is True (regardless of the hypotheses), run apply I.

There may be multiple branches, which are tried in order.
Theorem match_ex2 : TrueTrue.
  match goal with
  | [ ⊢ True ] ⇒ apply I
  | [ ⊢ TrueTrue ] ⇒ split; apply I
To see what branches are being tried, it can help to insert calls to the identity tactic idtac. It optionally accepts an argument to print out as debugging information.
Theorem match_ex2' : TrueTrue.
  match goal with
  | [ ⊢ True ] ⇒ idtac "branch 1"; apply I
  | [ ⊢ TrueTrue ] ⇒ idtac "branch 2"; split; apply I
Only the second branch was tried. The first one did not match the goal.

Ordinary match doesn't allow redundant branches.
Fail Definition redundant_match (n : nat) : nat :=
  match n with
  | xx
  | 0 ⇒ 1
But match goal keeps trying until success.
Theorem match_ex2'' : TrueTrue.
  match goal with
  | [ ⊢ _ ] ⇒ idtac "branch 1"; apply I
  | [ ⊢ TrueTrue ] ⇒ idtac "branch 2"; split; apply I

Theorem match_ex2''' : TrueTrue.
  Fail match goal with
  | [ ⊢ _ ] ⇒ idtac "branch 1"; apply I
  | [ ⊢ _ ] ⇒ idtac "branch 2"; apply I

A match against a hypothesis:
Theorem match_ex3 : (P : Prop), PP.
  intros P HP.
  match goal with
  | [ H : __ ] ⇒ apply H
H is bound to HP, as shown by printout from idtac H.
Theorem match_ex3' : (P : Prop), PP.
  intros P HP.
  match goal with
  | [ H : __ ] ⇒ idtac H; apply H

Matching will backtrack and retry with other hypotheses as necessary.
Theorem match_ex4 : (P Q : Prop), PQP.
  intros P Q HP HQ.
  match goal with
  | [ H : __ ] ⇒ idtac H; apply H

But if there were no successful hypotheses, the entire match would fail:
Theorem match_ex5 : (P Q R : Prop), PQR.
  intros P Q R HP HQ.
  Fail match goal with
  | [ H : __ ] ⇒ idtac H; apply H

Metavariables are pattern variables for the goal:
Theorem match_ex5 : (P Q : Prop), PQP.
  intros P Q HP HQ.
  match goal with
  | [ H : ?X ⊢ ?X ] ⇒ idtac H; apply H
That applies only HP, because HQ doesn't match.

With match against terms, pattern variables can't be repeated:
Fail Definition dup_first_two_elts (lst : list nat) :=
  match lst with
  | x :: x :: _true
  | _false
The technical term for this is linearity: regular match requires pattern variables to be linear, meaning that they are used only once. Tactic match goal permits non-linear metavariables, meaning that they can be used multiple times in a pattern and must bind the same term each time.

Now that we've learned a bit about match goal, let's return to the proof pattern of some simple inductions:
Theorem app_nil_r' : (X : Type) (lst : list X),
    lst ++ [] = lst.
  intros X lst. induction lst as [ | h t IHt].
  - reflexivity.
  - simpl. rewrite IHt. reflexivity.
With match goal, we can automate that proof pattern:
Ltac simple_induction t :=
  induction t; simpl;
  try match goal with
      | [H : _ = __] ⇒ rewrite H

Theorem app_nil_r'' : (X : Type) (lst : list X),
    lst ++ [] = lst.
  intros X lst. simple_induction lst.

That works great! Here are two other proofs that follow the same pattern.
Theorem add_assoc'' : n m p : nat,
    n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p.
  intros n m p. induction n.
  - reflexivity.
  - simpl. rewrite IHn. reflexivity.

Theorem add_assoc''' : n m p : nat,
    n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p.
  intros n m p. simple_induction n.

Theorem plus_n_Sm : n m : nat,
    S (n + m) = n + (S m).
  intros n m. induction n.
  - reflexivity.
  - simpl. rewrite IHn. reflexivity.

Theorem plus_n_Sm' : n m : nat,
    S (n + m) = n + (S m).
  intros n m. simple_induction n.


We've learned a lot of new features and tactics in this chapter:
  • try, ;, repeat
  • assumption, contradiction, subst, constructor
  • lia, congruence, intuition
  • auto, eauto, eapply
  • Ltac functions and match goal